on credit - перевод на русский
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on credit - перевод на русский

Report on Public Credit; Report on Public Credit, 1790; First report on the public credit; First Report on Public Credit
  • Alexander Hamilton portrait by John Trumbull 1806
  • Continental One Third Dollar Note (obverse)
  • James Madison
  • [[Alexander Hamilton]]'s ''First Report on the Public Credit'', January 9, 1790
Найдено результатов: 4361
on credit      
в кредит
on credit      

общая лексика

в долг

в кредит

on credit      
в кредит
on credit      
on credit в долг; в кредит
  • Domestic credit to private sector in 2005
Consumer Credit; Consumer lending; Lending industry; Consumer credit; Consumer loan; Credited; Crediting; Bank credit; Credit (economics); Consumer-loan company; Credit supply; Credit (song); Credit (finance)
credit 1. noun 1) доверие; вера - give credit to 2) хорошая репутация 3) похвала, честь to one's credit - к чьей-л. чести the boy is a credit to his family - мальчик делает честь своей семье - do smb. credit 4) влияние; значение; уважение (of, for) 5) amer. зачет; удостоверение о прохождении какого-л. курса в учебном заведении 6) fin. кредит; долг; сумма, записанная на приход; правая сторона бухгалтерской книги - on credit - allow credit 7) attr. - credit card - credit worthiness 2. v. 1) доверять; верить за что-л. (for) Even if you don't agree with the member's opinion, you must credit him for his loyalty. 2) приписывать to credit smb. with good intentions - приписывать кому-л. добрые намерения 3) fin. кредитовать Syn: see attribute
  • Domestic credit to private sector in 2005
Consumer Credit; Consumer lending; Lending industry; Consumer credit; Consumer loan; Credited; Crediting; Bank credit; Credit (economics); Consumer-loan company; Credit supply; Credit (song); Credit (finance)
1) вера, доверие;
2) репутация (положительная);
3) честь, заслуга;
4) кредит; предоставление денег в долг;
5) сумма, записанная на приход.
consumer credit         
  • Domestic credit to private sector in 2005
Consumer Credit; Consumer lending; Lending industry; Consumer credit; Consumer loan; Credited; Crediting; Bank credit; Credit (economics); Consumer-loan company; Credit supply; Credit (song); Credit (finance)
потребительский кредит
consumer lending         
  • Domestic credit to private sector in 2005
Consumer Credit; Consumer lending; Lending industry; Consumer credit; Consumer loan; Credited; Crediting; Bank credit; Credit (economics); Consumer-loan company; Credit supply; Credit (song); Credit (finance)
кредитование потребителей
  • Domestic credit to private sector in 2005
Consumer Credit; Consumer lending; Lending industry; Consumer credit; Consumer loan; Credited; Crediting; Bank credit; Credit (economics); Consumer-loan company; Credit supply; Credit (song); Credit (finance)


банковское дело


выдача кредита [ссуды]

выделение кредита

Смотрите также

credit; credit operation

  • Domestic credit to private sector in 2005
Consumer Credit; Consumer lending; Lending industry; Consumer credit; Consumer loan; Credited; Crediting; Bank credit; Credit (economics); Consumer-loan company; Credit supply; Credit (song); Credit (finance)
1) кредит || кредитовать
2) доверие
3) кредит, правая сторона счёта || записывать на кредит
4) сумма, записанная на приход
5) аккредитив
6) льгота, скидка
- credit against goods
- credit at the bank
- credit by way of guarantee
- debit and credit
- for the credit of one's account
- credit is shaken
- on credit
- credit on goods
- credit on mortgage
- credit on property
- credit on real estate
- credit partially drawn down
- credit an amount to someone
- buy on credit
- call in a credit
- cancel a credit
- give credit
- obtain credit
- run out of credit
- sell on credit
- acceptance credit
- accommodation credit
- anticipatory credit
- back-to-back credit
- blank credit
- book credit
- campaign credit
- capital market credit
- cash credit
- clean credit
- collateral credit
- commercial credit
- commercial documentary credit
- confirmed credit
- consumer credit
- current account credit
- deferred credit
- discount credit
- dividend credit
- documentary credit
- draft credit
- drawing credit
- earned income credits
- evergreen credit
- exhausted credit
- extended credit
- external credit
- Federal Reserve credit
- frozen credit
- general purpose credit
- immediate credit
- impaired credit
- installment credit
- interim credit
- investment credit
- investment tax credit
- irrevocable credit
- long credit
- low-interest credit
- margin credit
- noninstallment credit
- open account credit
- packing credit
- paid credit
- paper credit
- personal credit
- public credit
- reimbursement credit
- retail credit
- retirement income credit
- revocable credit
- revolving credit
- roll-over credit
- rural credit
- secondary credit
- self-liquidating credit
- short credit
- sight credit
- standby credit
- starting credit
- sterling credit
- store credit
- syndicated bank credit
- tax credit
- temporary credit
- tied credit
- trade credit
- uncollectible credit
- unlimited credit
- unsecured credit
- untied credit


(Stoke-on-Trent) , город в Великобритании, Англия, на р. Трент. 247 тыс. жителей (1990). Транспортный узел. Центр "гончарного района" (4/5 производства фарфоро-фаянсовых изделий в стране). Металлургическая, лакокрасочная, шинная промышленность.


First Report on the Public Credit

The First Report on the Public Credit was one of four major reports on fiscal and economic policy submitted by Founding Father and first US Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton on the request of Congress. The report analyzed the financial standing of the United States and made recommendations to reorganize the national debt and to establish the public credit. Commissioned by the US House of Representatives on September 21, 1789, the report was presented on January 9, 1790, at the second session of the 1st US Congress.

The 40,000-word document called for full federal payment at face value to holders of government securities ("redemption") and the federal government to assume funding of all state debt ("assumption"). The political stalemate in Congress that ensued led to the Compromise of 1790, which located the permanent US capital on the Potomac River ("residency").

The Federalists' success in winning approval for Hamilton's reforms led to the emergence of an opposition party, the Democratic-Republicans and set the stage for political struggles that would persist for decades in American politics.

Как переводится on credit на Русский язык